Friday, November 20, 2009

Money Saving Ideas for Eating Healthy

Let's face it. Eating healthy is not cheap. I've brainstormed some of the things that I do in order to eat healthy in a way that is as inexpensive as possible. These are in no particular order.

1) Shop store circulars and use coupons. I find this especially helpful with diapers. I do realize that is not a food product, but this is a good example. Pampers tend to fit my son the best. Of course, they are the most expensive diapers, so I have to shop wisely. Last week, Food Lion had a 3 day sale in which Pampers were $6.99. Usually they are over $10 a pack. On top of that, I used a $1.00 coupon. So, I got them for about half price. You can do the same with healthy food products as well. If it's on sale at the grocery store and you have a coupon, you save even more. Don't be afraid to sign up for any savings card or program a store offers. I also sign up for email alerts from our closest grocery stores. Walmart is not always the cheapest if you are shopping wisely.

2) Don't be afraid to ask for a rain check. If a store is out of a particular item, you can ask for a rain check and get it at the sale price when the item comes back in stock.

3) Sign up for surveys and participate.,, are all reliable sites. I have been participating for years. Not only can you earn points for prizes, but the more you participate, the more savings opportunities you have. Many will send you coupons. I've also been able to test products before they are released to the public. This is especially helpful in the diaper and wipes area. I've tested body wash and dish soap to name a few.

4) You can also sign up for health food coupons. is a start. You can get electronic coupons or sign up for the paper ones that they mail to you. Some stores do not take internet coupons, so you are able to sign up for both. You can use them at the regular grocery store and health food stores.

5) Visit the websites for health food stores and sign up for their email alerts. You can also pick up their coupons in store as well. They will often advertise their weekly sales on line since most do not send out flyers like the regular chain grocery stores.

6) Certain products are cheaper to buy in bulk, but you need to be careful. Just because it's a super sized package, does not make it cheaper. Often paper products are the same price in bulk as they are in normal sizes. Price it out by piece or ounce. We joined Sam's because that is all that is close. It is not my first choice, but we do save. Orange juice is cheaper as well as the organic salad mix. When we lived in NC, BJ's was our club of choice.

7) Join a co-op. My wheat and a few other products are purchased through a co-op. It makes the shipping charges significantly cheaper. (12 cents a pound versus 50 cents a pound). When you are ordering a 6 gallon bucket of grain, that can add up quickly. Some co-ops allow you to work there and get a discount on items. My particular co-op orders from several companies in order to save on shipping charges, membership fees, and group rates.

8) Cook with beans. See the entry on beans for a great website and cooking ideas. You can use with meat to stretch it.

9) Make your own snacks. Look at your pantry. Determine which snacks are unhealthy. Consider making something homemade. We just don't buy too many snacks. I would rather spend that money on fresh fruits and veggies. Not having snacks around the house also helps us to manage our weight better.

10) Consider certain store brand products. However read the labels. They are often cheaper because they have inferior ingredients. However, an organic store brand product is about the same as a national brand organic product.

11) Drink water.

12) Shop local farmer's markets. Not only is it fresher, but it's healthier. It does not have to travel as far to get to you. We are fortunate to have several organic farms in the area.

13) There are several websites that offer coupons. is an example. Check them out weekly as the savings offers do change.

Most of these things take time and effort. Be a good steward of the time and resources God has given you. Eating healthy is not always cheap, but you will either pay for it now with food and proper nutrition or later at the doctor.

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