Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Eating Organic

I'm going to do this entry a little different. It's not going to be very long, but I wanted to make a few points about eating organic foods. I wish I could afford to make everything we eat organic. I do what we can afford. I am going to offer some reasons why organic foods are best, as well as which foods are most important to buy/eat organically.

*No synthetic fertilizers are used on organic foods. Heavy use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers allow nitrates to accumulate in crops. We've already discussed the use of nitrates and their side effects. Synthetic fertilizers only feed the plants, not the soil. By using them there is a decrease in organic matter in the soil. By organic matter, I mean living organisms. Many synthetic fertilizers contain toxic metals such as, arsenic, lead, dioxin, chromium, and cadmium.

*Organic foods are not genetically modified. Genetically modified foods are modified in a lab. Sometimes these crops cause unintended harm to useful organisms. They can create more allergens. The effects on human health are still unknown. You can Google this topic for more information. It's kind of scary!

*Organic foods are not irradiated. See previous post on irradiation.

*Organic foods are richer in nutrient content and free from toxic residues.

*Organic foods are the best source of vitamins and minerals.

What types of foods should you buy organic? Glad you asked.

1. Baby foods. Even though they say they're safe, pesticides are still present in those little jars.
2. Strawberries
3. Rice
4. Bell peppers
5. Milk-raw is best, but sometimes there is no other alternative.
6. Corn
7. Bananas
8. Green beans
9. Peaches
10. Apples
11. Cherries
12. Celery
13. Apricots
14. Grapes
15. Potatoes
16. Raisins
17. Cucumbers
18. Meat

For more information check out Nourishing Traditions. Also this is a really neat website with a ton of information in an easy to read format. I do my best to prepare as much organic food at home as possible. We do not eat a lot of snacks, and I try to make as many of them from scratch as possible. As a Christian, I am commanded to be a good steward, not only of the money God has given to us, but also of our bodies. There has to be a balance, and that balance is different for everyone. You find yours.

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