Monday, January 5, 2009

Artificial Sweeteners

First off, let me say that this topic is so extensive that I cannot really do it justice in one blog entry. I will include some resources and websites you can visit for further information. Artificial sweeteners are just that ARTIFICIAL. They are touted as diet foods. The reason they are zero calorie is because the human body does not recognize them as a food. They are not processed in the small intestine the way natural food would be. They are actually toxic to your system. Sugar substitutes like Nutra-Sweet, Equal, and Sweet'n'Low are made with aspartame or saccharine (a known carcinogen). Artificial sweeteners do not reduce your cravings for sweet foods, or help to lose weight. People have a tendency to keep eating until that craving is satisfied.

Here I want to address some dangers that are specific to Aspartame. These side affects are not from large consumptions of Aspartame, so just think what it could do for large amounts.

1. dizziness
2. visual impairment
3. server muscle aches
4. numbing of extremities
5. pancreatitis
6. high blood pressure
7. retinal hemorrhaging
8. seizures
9. depression

The FDA refused to approve its use for public consumption for 16 years. When it was finally approved the move was a political one. Aspartame interacts with other chemical substances such as coumadin (a blood thinner), cardiac medications, hormones, insulin, as well as various vaccines. So the artificial sweetener recommended for diabetics is actually harmful. Let me just pause here and say that diet soda or "diet" anything with artificial sweeteners is the WORST possible thing you could give to a growing child!!!!!

Fairly recently a product called Splenda emerged on the market. It's makers said it's a low calorie sweetener that tastes like sugar because it's made from sugar. Isn't that just what people wanted to hear? It's a way to enjoy sweet things without that artificial taste. They are beginning to put it in a lot of products touted as healthy. Read the labels and look for sucralose. (flavored water, vitamin water, sports drinks, etc.) Let me give you just a little history of where this came from. Sucralose was discovered by British scientists in 1976 as they were looking for a new pesticide. Ok--now that's scary. Sucralose is chemically close to a pesticide. (I'll include the artical at the end of the post so you can read about the chemistry). There have been NO long term studies done on the side effects in humans. The longest study was 6 months and it was deemed safe. In rodents, the side effects have been: shrunken thymus glands, enlarged livers and kidneys. Some observational side effects for humans have been: skin rashes and flushing, panic and agitation, dizziness, numbness, diarrhea, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues, and stomach pain. Keep in mind, all of these side effects are observational and not based on a specific study. The author of this article stated that we are the guinea pigs for this "study". That includes our children!! The company that produces Splenda is being sued by the Sugar Association because the Association claims that it's not really made from sugar.

Marcelle Pick (OBGYN, NP) stated, "Good nutrition needs to take more into account than calories and fat content...."

My labels, read labels, read labels! Stay away from artificial sweeteners and use natural, unrefined ones. I will write about that in the next entry. We need to cut back on our sweet consumption anyway. For our children's sake--read labels.

The Douglass Report by Dr. William Campbell Douglass (Google It) **for this you have to sign up for weekly emails, but the report is free.

Just Google Artificial Sweetener Dangers and see what comes up.

Nourishing Traditions

The Maker's Diet

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